John Muir wrote "Everybody need beauty..."
Yellowstone is the "BEAUTY".
Yellowstone is where you can connect yourself with the universe.
Yellowstone is a place that's give you more that you seek.
Yellowstone make lost your mind and find your soul.
Yellowstone is YELLOWSTONE... no more words..
Yellowstone narrated through the meaning and photos of its main habitants: WILDLIFE!! (in alphabetical order ......)
The bald eagle is a sacred bird in some North American cultures, and its feathers, like those of the golden eagle, are central to many religious and spiritual customs among Native Americans. Eagles are considered spiritual messengers between gods and humans by some cultures.
The eagle symbolizes the divine spirit, creation and freedom

Because many native cultures saw the bighorn sheep as a food source, the animals were considered sacred. They were associated with the sky and were often viewed as guardian spirits. They are commonly depicted across the American West on panels of Native American petroglyphs.
Bighorn sheep were among the most admired animals of the Apsaalooka (Crow) people, and what is today called the Bighorn Mountain Range was central to the Apsaalooka tribal lands.

Bison was a significant resource for indigenous peoples of North America for food and raw materials until near extinction in the late 19th century. In fact, for the indigenous peoples of the Plains, it was their principal food source. Native Americans highly valued their relationship with the bison, saw them as sacred, and treated them in such a respectful way as to ensure their ongoing longevity and abundance.
The buffalo symbolizes the sacred, life, great strength, abundance and gratitude.

American black bears feature prominently in the stories of some of America's indigenous peoples.
One tale tells of how the black bear was a creation of the Great Spirit, while the grizzly bear was created by the Evil Spirit.
In the mythology of the Haida, Tlingitand Tsimshian people of the Northwest Coast, mankind first learned to respect bears when a girl married the son of a black bear chieftain.
In Kwakiutl mythology, American black and brown bears became enemies when Grizzly Bear Woman killed Black Bear Woman for being lazy. Black Bear Woman's children, in turn, killed Grizzly Bear Woman's children.

Coyote features as a trickster figure and skin-walker in the folktales of some Native Americans, notably several nations in the Southwestern and Plains regions, where he alternately assumes the form of an actual coyote or that of a man. As with other trickster figures, Coyote acts as a picaresque hero who rebels against social convention through deception and humor.
Folklorists such as Harris believe coyotes came to be seen as tricksters due to the animal's intelligence and adaptability.
After the European colonization of the Americas, Anglo-American depictions of Coyote are of a cowardly and untrustworthy animal.
Unlike the gray wolf, which has undergone a radical improvement of its public image, Anglo-American cultural attitudes towards the coyote remain largely negative.
The coyote symbolizes cunning, stealth and humor.

Elk have played an important role in the cultural history of a number of peoples. Neolithic petroglyphs from Asia depict antler-less female elk, which have been interpreted as symbolizing life and sustenance.
They were also frequently overlaid with boats and associated with rivers, suggesting that they also represented paths to the underworld.
Petroglyphs of elk were carved into cliffs by the Anasazi of the southwestern U.S. hundreds of years ago.
The elk was of particular importance to the Lakota, and played a spiritual role in their society. The male elk was admired for its ability to attract mates and Lakota men will play a courting flute imitating a bugling elk to attract women. Men would like use elk antlers as love charms and wore clothes decorated with elk images.
The elk symbolizes bravery, agility and independence.

The cunning Fox is commonly found in Native American mythology, where it is portrayed as an almost constant companion to Coyote. Fox, however, is a deceitful companion that often steals Coyote's food.
In the Achomawicreation myth, Fox and Coyote are the co-creators of the world, that leave just before the arrival of humans.
The Yurok tribe believed that Fox, in anger, captured the sun, and tied him to a hill, causing him to burn a great hole in the ground.
An Inuit story tells of how Fox, portrayed as a beautiful woman, tricks a hunter into marrying her, only to resume her true form and leave after he offends her.
A Menominee story tells of how Fox is an untrustworthy friend to the Wolf.
The fox symbolizes anticipation, observation and stealth.

Native American tribes sympatric with brown bears often view them with a mixture of awe and fear. North American brown bears have at times been so feared by the Natives that they were rarely hunted by them, especially when alone.
At traditional grizzly hunts in some western tribes such as the Gwich’in, the expedition was conducted with the same preparation and ceremoniality as intertribal warfare and was never done except with a company of four to 10 warriors. The tribe members who dealt the killing blow were highly esteemed among their compatriots.
Californian Natives actively avoided prime bear habitat and would not allow their young men to hunt alone for fear of bear attacks. During the Spanish colonial period, some tribes, instead of hunting grizzlies themselves, would seek aid from European colonists to deal with problem bears.
Many authors in the American West wrote of Natives or voyageurs with lacerated faces and missing noses or eyes, due to attacks from grizzlies.
The bear symbolizes courage, physical strength and leadership.

In Ojibwe and Cree traditions, moose are symbols of endurance and survival. Moose are also used as clan animals in some Native American cultures.
Tribes with Moose Clans include the Chippewa (whose Moose Clan and its totem are called Moozoonsii) and the Menominee.
The Native Americans often used moose hides for leather and its meat as an ingredient in pemmican, a type of dried jerky used as a source of sustenance in winter or on long journeys. Eastern tribes also valued moose leather as a source for moccasins and other items.
The moose symbolizes balance and longevity.

Native Americans had many names for the pronghorn. ... In the western US, pronghorns are often referred to as an antelope.
While they belong to the Antelopegenus, they are not a true antelope. The pronghorn is the only animal of it's species, and is found nowhere in the world except North America.
The Blackfeet in Browning have a legend that tells how their god, Old Man, created the pronghorn on the slopes of the Rockies, but when he turned the animal loose, its great speed caused it to stumble and fall on the rocks and fallen timber of the mountains. So Old Man moved the pronghorn to the prairie, where it was content. And so it was that, along with the bison, the pronghorn ruled the plains.

The first humans ever associated and interacted with wolves in Wisconsin were the Native Americans. They have a strong relationship with nature and animals because they view nature and animals as sacred and important figures in their lives. Some of the tribes living in the region had wolf clans. Clans are organized societies that tribal members belonged to through birth, ritual induction or both. Origins and myths states that the wolf clan people came from water, when they reached shore, the wolves transformed into human beings.
Wolves mean a lot to the Native American community and it is a dominant role in the Ojibwe tribe. In the Ojibwe tribe creation story, wolves are often described as family members to the tribe. Wolves were referred to as a brother or sister along with a perception that if whatever happens to the wolves, it will happen to one of the Ojibwe tribe, they also traveled the world together and spoke the same language. They have a strong relationship tied with the wolves because wolves are a symbol of their culture and tradition.
The wolf symbolizes direction and leadership and embodies both protection and destruction.